Surface Pro 13 (11th Edition)

Microsoft Surface Pro 13 (11th Edition)

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Very premium & well buiilt


Flex keyboard cover is very convenient

Pen support

Fan noise is almost non-existent

Better application support than an iPad


Battery life is average

Feels a little warm when in use

Some professional applications may not work on Windows on ARM

The Surface Pro is a very high end tablet computer. This is the kind of device that when you own and use it, you feel fantastic. This is because it is such a well built stunning device with very high end and powerful components inside.

It's Flex keyboard cover is incredibly convenient and easy to use. Charges when docked to the device, pen is kept neatly inside, and it also charges while in its holder.

If comparing the Surface Pro to an iPad Pro, which costs around the same. The iPad Pro is more portable and lasts longer on battery, but the Surface Pro has broader application support.

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Surface Pro 13 (11th Edition)
Model Tested

2024 | 13 Inches512 GB16 GBSnapdragon X Elite

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